The Habit Handbook

Everything about habit forming and life improvements


Discovering Ikigai

The Intersection of Passion and Purpose in Habit Formation

In the coastal villages of Okinawa, Japan, where some of the world's oldest people reside, the concept of Ikigai is not just a philosophy but a way of life. It's the reason the elderly might still wake up at dawn to fish or sculpt pottery with hands that tell tales of a century. Ikigai isn't just about grand purposes but the daily actions and decisions that infuse life with joy and meaning.

Zoe Dunkelt

Prosperity Engineer


Breaking Through

Overcoming Habit Plateaus

Consistently following a habit and then suddenly feeling stuck is something we've all experienced. This standstill, known as a "habit plateau", can be discouraging. But with understanding and the right strategies, you can push past this stagnation and continue on your growth journey.

Zoe Dunkelt

Prosperity Engineer


The Art of Self-Discipline

Building Habits that Last

In the journey of life, the development of self-discipline is comparable to sculpting a masterpiece from a block of marble. It is the invisible hand guiding us to make choices that align with our deepest values and aspirations. But, how can we cultivate this integral quality and harness its power to build habits that not only form but stick?

Zoe Dunkelt

Prosperity Engineer


Blueprints of Success

Habits that Forge Leaders

Have you ever wondered how successful people seem to navigate the turbulent waters of life with such ease and poise? It's no secret; their habits are the rudders steering their ships towards the shores of success. From Tim Cook's early rises to Warren Buffett's insatiable reading appetite, let's explore the habits of those who've walked the path of triumph and see how you, too, can implement these rituals to write your own success story!

Zoe Dunkelt

Prosperity Engineer


Embracing Mindfulness

Journey to a More Contented Self Through Habit Formation

In today's fast-paced world, the music of our existence is often out of tune, with thoughts, emotions, and endless tasks creating a cacophony in our minds. It's in this environment that the melody of mindfulness can bring harmony, leading us towards a more contented self. The confluence of mindfulness and habit formation can create a transformative symphony of well-being and self-discovery. In this piece, we delve into intertwining mindfulness with habit formation to craft a life of balance and contentment.

Zoe Dunkelt

Prosperity Engineer


Overcoming Procrastination

A Habit-Based Approach

We've all been there—sitting on the couch, binge-watching our favorite series, knowing we have a mountain of work waiting. Procrastination is that friend who shows up uninvited, eats all your snacks, and crashes on your couch! It's a tricky dance between comfort and responsibility. So, how can we break free from this dance and waltz towards getting things done? Let's find out!

Zoe Dunkelt

Prosperity Engineer


Understanding and Breaking Bad Habits

Ever found yourself reaching for a cigarette, despite promising yourself it would be your last one? Or perhaps sitting on the couch, engrossed in a TV show when you promised you'd be hitting the gym? We've all been there. Bad habits, the unwelcome architects of our lives, seem to weave themselves into our routines, often without our realizing it. Let's journey into understanding these habits and learn how we can kick them to the curb!

Zoe Dunkelt

Prosperity Engineer


The Role of Technology in Habit Formation

In this high-tech era, technology is interwoven with our daily routines, seamlessly blending the boundaries between our digital and physical worlds. It's omnipresent, influencing our actions, thoughts, and behaviors, becoming an integral architect of our habitual landscape.

Zoe Dunkelt

Prosperity Engineer


The Science Behind Habits

Unraveling the Secrets of our Daily Actions

Habits are the unconscious patterns of behavior that are acquired through frequent repetition. These invisible architects of our daily lives make up about 40% of our behaviors on any given day. But how do seemingly insignificant routines snowball into the automatic behaviors we call habits? Let's delve into the fascinating science behind habit formation and how understanding it can empower us to build healthier, more positive routines.

Zoe Dunkelt

Prosperity Engineer